Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pirates attack German Tanker

Berlin - pirate attack on the German Navy! In the Gulf of Aden was the tanker "Spessart" attacked with firearms - as the giant sea but continued to resist and returned fire, turned off the pirates.
Buy a Spanish helicopter came to help, then turned the Greek frigate "Psara" one - the seven pirates had no chance. They were disarmed, but remained on their first boat.
On Monday, they were then brought to the Gulf cruising frigate "Rheinland-Pfalz. The gangsters are now likely to end up in an East African country to justice.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Schumacher's Ferrari comeback possible

Budapest - The shock of Felipe Massa's horror accident is still deep, but of course the question immediately comes for a replacement driver for the next race on 23 August in Valencia.
The News about Massa's horror accident: Massa wakes from coma - he will ever drive again? >
And suddenly, something is probably what have kept only the most loyal fans still possible: a comeback of Michael Schumacher (40).
The 2006 world champion retired record-breaking back in the Ferrari, a confidante of course this was one of the options. You to EXPRESS: Schumi was a consultant and test driver still employed by Ferrari and surely one of the pilots who would qualify for Ferrari in question. The decision was, however, with the team. The hammer!
Only recently at the Nurburgring Schumacher had said: "My racing career is behind me, I miss nothing." With a possible failure of his long apprenticeship Massa suddenly everything is different. The ambitious Kerpener it seems quite irritating to represent worthy Massa and Ferrari to help in an already difficult season, out of this mess. The confidante: A comeback is not entirely excluded.
Especially since Schumi was fit. After a horror crash at the World Superbike motorcycle in March in Cartagena suffered neck injury he has fully recovered. In kart racing and motorcycle tests at the Nurburgring and Assen in the Racer went back to the limit. In Formula 1 Ferrari Schumacher was most recently in April 2008, but also that he will trust themselves.
Only manager Willi Weber believes not quite to the comeback: "I do not think so. Ferrari has two super substitute drivers who do nothing more than to wait to sit in the car when it is it free. "
But the Italian Luca Badoer (38) and Spaniard Marc Gene (35) are just not a Schumi!
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Fatal Crash Felipe Massa - the pictures
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Heidfeld (feels) in the case of Lothar

Cologne -
What do Lothar Matthaeus (48) and Nick Heidfeld (32) have in common? In addition to her Moenchengladbach past one (too) low regard in Germany.
The sense in any event both Sun The large image discussion. Like the football star was bitter in his statement ("Germany is ashamed of how it deals with me"), also complains of the Formula 1 driver, "I lie in the public perception behind drivers who are worse than me."
Heidfeld in the Lothar-trap! Sees itself as a "second best German football world after Beckenbauer", but is unsuccessful for eight years coaching job in the Bundesliga.
"Quick Nick" is winless in ten years and after getting off on the BMW cockpit search. He hopes for a winning car, "Of course I prefer the established and strong teams and negotiating primarily with them."
Just wishful thinking? Consultant André Theuer time talking to three teams - including McLaren-Mercedes, where the return of Kimi Raikkonen (30 stops) because of excessive wage demands. But where Mercedes motorsport boss Norbert Haug already restricts that his ex-Junior Pilot "might not ultimately have the image".
Unjust, finds Heidfeld: "Unfortunately, the image is created not only by number comparisons. I have beaten with the exception of 2008, all team members on points. "
The first sentence he's right, his friend complained Maues Image Theuer time two years ago ("Nick will not take place in the media"), the second wrong.
For three times he lost the duel: 2003 (Heinz-Harald Frentzen: 6:13 points), 2005 (Mark Webber: 28:36), 2008 (Robert Kubica: 60:75). In qualifying, the team leaders for still more speed-indicator, it was even five.
However, Heidfeld believes in his future: "I'm in a good position." And I will not bend it, "I do not want to change something artificial to the outside world better come over."
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flirt factor of 150 percent

Düsseldorf -
Hot, hot, bad boys Ball! The traditional party of the prince clubs in the Rhine terrace sexy crackle in the air.
Excavator-Alert! At no other event of the carnival flirt factor is as high as on this ...
It was also felt Kathrin, the name was disguised as a stewardess. The boys trained Baywatch Thomas, Cedric, Bastian and Chris could not pass it!
Sabine and Thomas (from Willich-Schiefbahn) have been infected by the erotic mood that they were first up close ... "The sex factor on the ball is very high," said Thomas. "We come here every year. Geile Party, not a mob! "
3500 sexy and creatively disguised Feierlustige romped to the sold-out party. These include Esther as a bird in a cage, as Bianca Rococo Dame (costumes are homemade) and the cheeky girls trio Amrie, Maria and Nevena.
"More than half of the guests are women," said Rüdiger Dohmann, vice-chief of the Prince Club and organizer of the ball. He says: "If you go there alone as a single here and go alone, you have probably done something wrong."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I have twelve needles in the head

        Photo: Private
        If it is because of the beauty, then more money for Dusseldorf silicone and similar things from the land in various parts of the body. The Düsseldorf artist Chori Weber's beautiful.
And what had once landed in her body was, not really the beauty. That she had at least one magician promised in their homeland Java.
What was that exactly, now learned her husband, Bodypainter Jürgen Weber, the first time and only because Chori had to go to the dentist. Jürgen Weber: "The dentist took an X-ray of Choris head. Looked puzzled and asked me immediately for an interview.
On the x-ray anywhere in small pens were observed Choris head. "One of Chori long kept secret. Weber: "My wife told me then confessed that she went as a 17-year-old in Java to a magician. The set has its twelve golden needles under the skin of the face. With the eye can not see them. "
"Susuk" is called in the Malay culture. Since the practice was against the Islamization of the region, it is of modern Islamic scholars have now been banned. Chori: "The needles I can share my time for a positive aura, a lot of energy and creativity. So far, they have brought me good luck.
"She has never felt pain. Weber: "I'm still worried. The needles wander. Who knows where. But at least now I know why my wife is so amazingly beautiful. "
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Child had 50 needles in body
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Janosch artist: "I can not stand the Tigerente"

Düsseldorf / Aachen - "I can not stand the Tigerente" complains the illustrator and author Janosch (78).
Why did the artist has such a hatred of his own invention animal?
"If I now paint a picture without yellow and black stripes, not buy it," complains Janosch in the "Rheinische Post".
Especially great is the anger, because he feels his entire artistic work would only be reduced to the Tigerente.
With the children's books, "Oh, how beautiful is Panama" or "Kasper cap," would Janosch values as convey friendship and loyalty and became famous.
Besides tiger, frog and bear the Tigerente first appeared in 1978 auf.Sie became the constant companion of the Tiger and the darling of the children.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Defrost freezers - then there's free time!

Dusseldorf - because Vitali Klitschko on Saturday in the new "O2 World in Berlin against WBC heavyweight champion Samuel Peter is fighting for the title, the DEG-runners demoted to short-time professionals.
Actually, they should begin Sunday with the polar bears, but the transformation of boxes on ice can not be done so quickly. So look forward to a nice weekend.
"If the guys play well, I think I should give them free", there is a Extramotivation coached by Harold circle before the duel on Friday against Hamburg.
The goal is clear: Only the defrost refrigerators enjoy, then free time. Both teams recently on the rise - the DEG won five of six points, Freezers drove the last six games as the winner of the ice.
"With where we still have a score to settle" clarifies circle. "For the 3:6 in Hamburg was so far our worst game." Absence is still) Korbinian Holzer (concussion.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bluem granddaughter Lilian as a presenter

Bonn - Chancellor Angela Merkel will come when the band "Reamonn" will occur, and numerous celebrities will be there on 27 March celebrates Kindernothilfe its 50th anniversary in the Duisburg Mercatorhalle. A fever that evening to meet most: Lilian Beck. The 13-year-old will moderate the evening to the side of Dieter Kürten.
"I'm a little excited. But outweighs the joy, "says Lillian, attended the eighth class of a school in Aachen. Big stage experience, she has not - it must also not have. "My presentations, I will memorize them."
Lilian is closely associated with the Kindernothilfe. Her grandfather gave her enrollment to a sponsorship with a girl from India. Grandpa is not unknown: it is ex-Labor Minister Dr. Norbert Blüm. "Tamil is my godson, that to me is like a sister on the other side of the world. Last year at Easter, I visited her in the Kindernothilfe home in South India. Previously, she lived with her grandparents in a simple hut. Her parents are dead in the home she's doing very well, she attends the school. "
At the gala, it will also tell them. Grandpa Blum is chairman of Kindernothilfe Foundation here. Chris tina Rau Foundation as Councilor. The band "The Prince" is a song written especially for the anniversary. Title: "I change the world." Angela Merkel will deliver the keynote address. And Lilian is "Reamonn announce." "This is all very exciting!"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

VfL can again dream of the semi-finals

Velenje - VfL Gummersbach is the battle for the entry into the semi-finals of the Champions League back in business. With a 29:21-runner Gorenje Velenje Slovenia's success in the team of coach Alfred Gislason preserved the chance to reach the semifinals.
On Wednesday, another home win against Montpellier - then rises in Ciudad Real a real finale to win the group and thus to the entry into the semifinals.
In the first half, the yield of the VfL litter left much before about 1,600 spectators to be desired. But the weak, originally from Slovenia Handball players Roman Pungartnik exerted completely empty, three times awarded standing in front of goal.
That jumped the last in the Bundesliga disappointing Momir Ilic against his former club Velenje into the breach. With seven goals he was at the end next to Alexis Alvanos (8) of the outstanding Gummersbacher thrower. In the second half increased the FC and drove home the victory. "The team has implemented the tactical requirements very well. Now we are back in the race can still pack the semi-finals, "enthused Gislason.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lützel gala! From Labor finals

Gummersbach - you are having more than one leg in the final:
VfL Gummersbach formally dismantled in the semi-finals of the EHF Cup Spanish representatives BM Aragon. 39:25 (16:11) it was said at the end, there shall burn in the second leg any more.
"20 minutes is not much work. After that we played ourselves into a frenzy, "says manager Francois-Xavier Houlet. A special commendation was given while Jörg Lützelberger. Houlet: "He hit from any lie, has delivered a fantastic performance. Compliment! "
For the 23-year-old, lying down with nine goals in nine attempts and was only a dream Quote Superstar Momir Ilic best thrower, a fabulous event. In December, he was unemployed, lived with his girlfriend in a dorm room in Cologne. Then he called at VfL, came under - and now reaches with his club after the European Cup.
From Labor to the final. And Lützelberger waving a permanent position. Houlet: "We are very pleased with his development. We want to get together with him and now timely to talk about how he envisions his future. "

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Manes must not ran again at WDR

Dusseldorf - The excommunication is broken. On Sunday, Manes Meckenstock celebrates free after more than three months, his TV comeback with "room" (WDR, 22.45 clock).
In September, it Düsseldorf showcase comedian who lost by television shows like "7 days, 7 heads" and just "Zimmer frei!" Became nationally popular, not only with the WDR-bosses.
In his cult show "Cuckoo" at Antenne Düsseldorf he scored against verbally Gülcan Kaharanci. The TV presenter had made her marriage to a baker's son Sebastian Kamps broadcast live - quite beside it, were like many television viewers and also Manes.
Never at a loss for cheeky slogans, he vergaloppierte bad this time: "Whenever I see Gülcan Kaharanci, I would hope that the Nuremberg laws to be reintroduced," he had the know-antenna receiver. In this Nazi saying there was no mercy. The radio station fired Manes without notice, and the WDR drew the comedian from the market.
That now seems to be over. If applying on Sunday evening TV chef Horst Lichter, at inclusion in the WG by Christine Westermann and Götz Alsmann shows Manes in Homestory the home of the Star-cook.
His politically correct attitude toward the Holocaust Manes, reiterated during the awarding ceremony of the "Itterlitter" Order of the carnival society Hilden, "The Musketeers", "I would be the first burning fag in the Third Reich was" proclaimed the self-confessed gay and had the audience laugh on his side.
Also sworn in "cuckoo" fans have forgiven the Nazis Manes derailment. The "cuckoo" follow-up show, "surprise" on his website was so frequented, that the line smoothly collapsed. Whether there will be a comeback in antenna, is currently not yet in sight.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Schalke shines! Kevin's 11th And tribute to Jogi

Gelsenkirchen --
Schalke keep pace, Felix Magath must continue to dream of the Champions League:
With the 2-0 win over Hoffenheim opponents fear - it was the first win against TSG - S04 remains with only one point behind in the slipstream of Bavaria - at least until tonight, and has five points over arch rivals Dortmund in fourth place.
Magath, with the same starting lineup as the 2-2 draw at Bochum, newcomer Alexander Baumjohann again on the bench. Guest coach Ralf Rangnick had to replace nine players.
Schalke in front of 60,000 fans immediately with plenty of steam and the leadership of Kevin Kuranyi: After dimensional cross from Rafinha Magath took top-scorer with his eleventh goal of the season to lead. Eleven Give my love to Jogi Löw, the fans are again calling on posters Kuranyis comeback in the national team - so far it has rigorously excluded the national coach.
Only four minutes later, Kuranyi could even stoking it 2-0, but after his header flew cross from Sanchez at the gate vorbei.Mit 1-0 went into the cabin - and the guests came out with a lot of momentum again.
Sanchez took Andi Beck in the penalty area from the legs, but referee Florian Meyer denied the due zeal for the guests. "He has given him already, but was then on micro swayed by men on the line," railed Rangnick. "It does not look as if Sanchez hits the ball," Magath himself gave to at Sky.
Thus, instead of offsetting the falling 2-0. A happy little corner landed at Schmitz, whose volley small deflection in the box Hoffenheim - the preliminary decision.
The Hoffenheim were playing better but despite renewed shocks than before the break, but it remained in good approaches.
Schalke, however further caused a sensation. "This is a good evening. Some of us were already persuaded a crisis again, "said Magath. Next week's going to heimschwachen Fribourgers.
Feature, tables, statistics: Click here>

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Looking for Eric

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Eric is suffering, even after thirty years under the biggest mistake of his life. At that time he had left Lily and their daughter Sam in the lurch. No idea what has driven to him then that he himself can explain it is still not, but it would be like. Since it appears suddenly on Manchester United hero Eric Cantona, who gives him the "right" tips, especially how one imagines his own fears and regain the love.
?? movie.label.director??
Ken Loach
?? movie.label.actors??
Eric Cantona, Steve Evets, John Henshaw
?? movie.label.genre??
Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
117?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Looking for Eric
When Eric things go wrong - in the job and at home. As seems to him one day, the legendary footballer Eric Cantona and gives him a second chance with the love of his life ... comedy by Ken Loach. GB / F '09, FSK: ab 12 Start: 05.11.09

Friday, March 26, 2010

Trademarks again at the club

Dusseldorf - Peter Frymuth could not and did not hide his joy. Fortuna Dusseldorf has considered how we, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games still be able to beat, "beamed the President and announced, then the message you've been waiting for so long Düsseldorf football fans:
Fortuna has agreed with the sports world, transformed the old agreement in their favor. Thus, the club is finally back after nine years of masters in their own house!
Reminder: Fortuna had hawked 1999 are as numerous other clubs for a million cash infusion TV and trademark rights to the firm of Michael Kölmel. A fatal adhesion contract, which proved to be an eternal millstone. The sports world had to earn a financial contribution without any temporal limitation the right to revenue from TV money, sponsorship contracts and the sale of merchandise. A permanent non-compensating competitive disadvantage!
"Now the Fortuna logo back to the club itself belongs, we can sell 100 percent of himself," enthused the Supervisory Board Chairman Dr. Reinhold Ernst, who himself led the talks with Kölmel and landed it in new roles throughout his first major coup.
In addition to the liabilities of the club sports world has been reduced so far (7.5 million euros), and also in the field of TV marketing Fortuna pressed the recent charges, also acquired a right to purchase. "We have a solution which gives us flexibility," said Dr. Ernst, who made the new agreement notarized.
What does this mean? The sports world is still with Fortuna in the boat, but has nothing more to say. In addition, the association now has the opportunity to untold chapter of Kölmel company cease as soon have the (financial) possibilities to negotiate - without having to have to. And potential sponsors now know that their money remains at Fortuna and no longer a substantial part in Kölmel moves funds.
"I am glad that we have achieved in such an existential question of unity" was happy, Dr Ernst. In other words: He's Fortune economically most important action of the decade launched.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sad gift from Mr. Chen brutally dragged to death

Dusseldorf --
The 63-year-old pulled so much on the line, that the little dog just gave up. He stretched out his paws on his own, was then shot by tugging on the back. Nevertheless dragged his owner, a homeless man, the animal continued across the stones at the Konrad-Adenauer-Platz. "Even when he wanted to stop passers-by, he just went on," said federal police spokesman Stefan Beckmann. Finally, a federal police patrol stopped him. They took the man from across the bleeding dog. The homeless had no understanding but even then, was unmanageable. "We immediately called the animal rescue, the man expected a display of animal cruelty," says Beckmann. But the benefits the Terriers nothing more. "I rarely have a dog in such a pitiful state times. The nails were completely worn away, he has pulled it already weeks behind them, "said Kaj worst of the animal rescue. Although he immediately brought the animal to the veterinary hospital on the Münsterstraße, there was no salvation. "The dog was so sick that we were able to euthanize him just yet."
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Poachers kill Bambi with a wire loop

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kiessling: I do not trust me twelve gates

Leverkusen --
Since nothing of fear and insecurity, it is perhaps the beginning of his Bayer had time.
The Franconian dialect, although it remained the same, but for Stefan Kiessling, with its almost 26 years have become clearly more open, more mature and more confident.
"We now have a giant opportunity to play a great season," said the Bayer's Offensive Player of the leader's, who scored in the first round twelve gates.
This ratio, he dares to even in the second half, "says Gravel" the Express: "This is doable. I will confirm the first round and may perhaps even topped. Simply because the team so well in harmony. But then I also have to play better again, "added the striker to self-criticism," My last three games were not so hot, because I was missing but the perseverance. "
Nevertheless, Kiessling played an outstanding first round total - and thus back into the notebook of national coach Loew. The attacker feels at the top of the world leaders - that they must coax him no, he likes to say out of himself: "My advisor told me that there are requests from other clubs for me. But of this I will now hear nothing! I have contract with Bayer until 2012, and feel very comfortable with Bayer wants to achieve something. Poaching efforts can save you now! "
Kiessling loyalty oath for Leverkusen. The sporty and also applies to private. Even in the Rhineland, the striker has become home - and he plans to increase his family. Sohnemann Tayler in February two years old. "He will not remain a single child. Norina and I wish for another child, preferably a girl. "Does" because even a World Cup baby in the room? Gravel laughs: "No, no, so fast that now is not. We hope and plan das "
And perhaps a family man Kiessling is therefore not entirely unhappy that his team this time, no training completed in the south. "For one, it's nice to be in the morning and evening with the family. On the other hand, we have here at the BayArena perfect conditions. What more could you want? "

Sunday, March 7, 2010

DEG finally with the "ice-tulip"

Dusseldorf --
The whole season, DEG has no fourth forward line, careening past with Minimalbestzung smooth over the trackside -!
For at least Sunday (home against Cassel) is the Executive finally full.
"Bradley Tutschek is already longer here again, Martin Hinterstocker coached after his Syndesmosriss is full again - and with a long start-up and the naturalization of Diego Hofland there," says manager Lance Nethery and breathes.
The MetroStars can use with four months starting from now on their "ice-tulip"! Hofland is a native Dutchman, is storming today (19.30 clock) with the Iserlohn Roosters for the first time - if everything goes smoothly. Nethery: "Normally, his license would then be through." Trainer Harold circle: "A great talent with a good stick technique. Now he has to grind your in the DEL and improve his backwards yet. "
The 19-year-old, born in Rotterdam (Jersey No. 6, 1.82 meters, 76 kilograms) could cooperate with Tutschek Hinterstocker and relieve the rest of the team. The expectation of Coach circle: "Two share denGegner to six changes per game, under pressure to collect a single goal."
What am Iserlohner Seilersee is difficult enough. "A difficult away game. A small, narrow stadium with loud fans who try to influence the referee, "says Kreis. "We must keep a cool head and stay away from the criminal bench. But my boys are very well on it, the last games were really good. All comply with the tactic that makes the team strong. "
True strong was last keeper Jean-Sebastien Aubin, who made the final third against Hamburg (4:3) with a hangover, because he was a bully threshed on his helmet. "Otherwise he would have conceded the third goal ever," believes Nethery. Circle: "Its use is not compromised but."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Second division FC Augsburg as a coach to see Movers

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Cologne - Reverses Andreas Rettig already in the upcoming season before a return by 1 FC Cologne? If one of a Reuters poll among the second league coaches believe it already. They look Rettig FC Augsburg as a surprise ascension favorites!
Is it true that the majority of the 18 second league coach called the team of coach Jos Luhukay as possible Movers.
Luginger Rot-Weiss Oberhausen goes even further: "Augsburg master. You have a good team and with Jos Luhukay very good coach."
Also Andreas Zach Huber (Rostock), Ewald Lienen (1860), Holger Stanislawski (FC St. Pauli), Peter Neururer (MSV Duisburg), Stefan Emmerling (Rot Weiss Ahlen), Benno Möhlmann (SpVgg GreutherFürth) and Jürgen Seeberger (Alemannia Aachen) tap the Swabians.
The upheaval in Augsburg is obvious. Whopping 45 million euros for the FCA built a new stadium jewelry. 13 players left the club, eleven new ones hired. Including experienced Bundesliga players like Simon Jentzsch (Wolfsburg, Germany) and Benjani Mwaruwari (Gladbach, HSV).

Sunday, February 28, 2010


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How in a world full of zombies survive? The anxious Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), has managed with his "47 Rules for Survival Zombieland successful". Similarly, Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), only in a very different way Together, they now want to make short work of the zombies. After they meet with two other non-zombies, the question arises immediately whether it can stand together, or should result in the zombies.
?? movie.label.director??
Ruben Fleischer
?? movie.label.actors??
Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone
?? movie.label.genre??
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
88?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Zombieland (part 2)
Together, Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita and Little Rock to fight against zombies. But soon, the question arises, what is worse: to endure to give each other ... or horror-comedy by Ruben Fleischer. USA '09, Certificate on 16th Start: 10.12.09
Zombieland (part 1)
Zombieland (part 3)
Zombieland (Trailer)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Paris Hilton and Ronaldo snog like mad

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Los Angeles - Well, that has only just fit yet. Paris Hilton (28) was separated by brief 24 hours Lover Doug Reinhardt, since accidentally crossed the paths of the hotel heiress and soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo (24).
And it happened as it (almost had to come) - Ronaldo was easily confused by the speculation about the incredible 94-million transfer from Manchester to Madrid and once drunk a sitting duck for Paris.
The Celebrity Club "MyHouse" necking around the first of two wildly with each other, from 3 clock, we went to the Village of sister Nicky Hilton in Beverly Hills happily humid further.
But where did the sudden change of mind came when Ronaldo? A year ago, the Portuguese international had left Paris, we all ultimately rebuffed or ice cold. Of this time, but could be absolutely no question.
 "Paris and he could not leave the hands of one another," said a friend to the online portal "X17". "They smooch around the whole time. All the waiters were just busy trying to bring alcohol to their table."
A total of 20,000 dollars (15,000 euros) to have invested Ronaldo that night in champagne and drinks. It then explains perhaps why the two lovebirds later forgotten in the villa, draw the curtains. A feast for all the paparazzi who also closer look exactly as Ronaldo did not leave until about 5 clock the house in West Hollywood.
And now, LA is not only very excited to see whether the holiday flirtation between Paris and Cristiano to the next level ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love Wall

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The student draws Franzi 1989 after West Berlin, directly at a border crossing, where it meets Sasha, as the army pushed the soldier on the tower to its service. Sasha has had to commit to three years to get a place. In this German-German romantic comedy, we can Felicitas Woll - famous for the series "Berlin, Berlin" followed - finally back through the highs and lows of being in love.
?? movie.label.director??
Peter Timm
?? movie.label.actors??
Felicitas Woll, Maxim Mehmet, Anna Fischer
?? movie.label.genre??
Romantic Comedy
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
107?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Love Wall
The West Berlin woman Franzi falls in autumn 1989 in the GDR border guard Sasha. For a date with him, she stays a night in the East - and flies up. But then comes the wall ... comedy by Peter Timm. D '09, FSK: ab 6 Start: 19.11.09

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anyone who has seen this student (15)?

Troisdorf - What happened? Since the 13.10.2008 a 15-year-old girl from Troisdorf is missing Spich-!
 The 15-year-old student is about 162 cm tall, very slim, has dark brown medium length hair with highlights and brown eyes.
Most recently, she was wearing black jeans, an orange-brown T-shirt with floral print and V-neckline and a black jacket, black boots and had a red bag with a floral motif with him.
The reasons for their disappearance are unclear. Evidence of a crime are not presently exist. The police ask: • Who has seen the girl since 13.10.2008? • Who can make notes on the whereabouts of the fugitives? • Who can give information on contact persons?
   Witnesses are asked to report to the Police by phone: 02241-5413221 too.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kremlin chief leaves Merkel rebuffed

Sochi - After his victory in the war against Georgia, the Kremlin remains on a collision course. The political climate between East and West will be a frosty day by day.
That was on Friday and Chancellor Angela Merkel to feel that hit Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev in a sophisticated state residence in Sochi Botscharwo (hosted the Olympic Winter Games, 2014).
The resort is just 100 kilometers from Abkhazia, alongside South Ossetia, the second breakaway province of Georgia. Humid 30 degrees outside, inside political Ice Age: Medvedev made it unmistakably clear that the boundaries of Georgia, he no longer accept them.
In plain language: South Ossetia and Abkhazia will not return to Georgia. And he left no doubt that Russia will act in the future so if Russian citizens are being attacked.
Merkel called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia and openly criticized that some of the Kremlin's actions in Georgia were disproportionate. However, they believe that, in such a conflict is not just a "guilt".
At the press conference, Medvedev and Merkel gave barely a kind word, then left the room without a handshake. Thus also threatening to cool the German-Russian relations.
For further inflames the crisis, the agreement between Poland and the United States provides to deploy a missile defense system in Poland. It was agreed also military assistance in case of a threat.
The Kremlin sees this as an affront, believes the project is aimed against Russia. Deputy Chief of General Staff Anatoly Nogovitsyn: "Such targets are destroyed in an emergency first."
Georgian President Saakashvili signed the ceasefire agreement signed yesterday. He raised serious allegations against Europe: It had ignored his cries for help and encourages Russia.
The situation in Georgia remains totally unclear. As before, Russian troops are in the country. Human rights organizations condemn attacks against civilians. Also a German family got in the crossfire. Only with luck, the man (47) and his wife Georgia (37) survived badly injured when their car was fired upon. The two children were unharmed.