Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sad gift from Mr. Chen brutally dragged to death

Dusseldorf --
The 63-year-old pulled so much on the line, that the little dog just gave up. He stretched out his paws on his own, was then shot by tugging on the back. Nevertheless dragged his owner, a homeless man, the animal continued across the stones at the Konrad-Adenauer-Platz. "Even when he wanted to stop passers-by, he just went on," said federal police spokesman Stefan Beckmann. Finally, a federal police patrol stopped him. They took the man from across the bleeding dog. The homeless had no understanding but even then, was unmanageable. "We immediately called the animal rescue, the man expected a display of animal cruelty," says Beckmann. But the benefits the Terriers nothing more. "I rarely have a dog in such a pitiful state times. The nails were completely worn away, he has pulled it already weeks behind them, "said Kaj worst of the animal rescue. Although he immediately brought the animal to the veterinary hospital on the Münsterstraße, there was no salvation. "The dog was so sick that we were able to euthanize him just yet."
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