Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flirt factor of 150 percent

Düsseldorf -
Hot, hot, bad boys Ball! The traditional party of the prince clubs in the Rhine terrace sexy crackle in the air.
Excavator-Alert! At no other event of the carnival flirt factor is as high as on this ...
It was also felt Kathrin, the name was disguised as a stewardess. The boys trained Baywatch Thomas, Cedric, Bastian and Chris could not pass it!
Sabine and Thomas (from Willich-Schiefbahn) have been infected by the erotic mood that they were first up close ... "The sex factor on the ball is very high," said Thomas. "We come here every year. Geile Party, not a mob! "
3500 sexy and creatively disguised Feierlustige romped to the sold-out party. These include Esther as a bird in a cage, as Bianca Rococo Dame (costumes are homemade) and the cheeky girls trio Amrie, Maria and Nevena.
"More than half of the guests are women," said Rüdiger Dohmann, vice-chief of the Prince Club and organizer of the ball. He says: "If you go there alone as a single here and go alone, you have probably done something wrong."