Sunday, April 25, 2010

VfL can again dream of the semi-finals

Velenje - VfL Gummersbach is the battle for the entry into the semi-finals of the Champions League back in business. With a 29:21-runner Gorenje Velenje Slovenia's success in the team of coach Alfred Gislason preserved the chance to reach the semifinals.
On Wednesday, another home win against Montpellier - then rises in Ciudad Real a real finale to win the group and thus to the entry into the semifinals.
In the first half, the yield of the VfL litter left much before about 1,600 spectators to be desired. But the weak, originally from Slovenia Handball players Roman Pungartnik exerted completely empty, three times awarded standing in front of goal.
That jumped the last in the Bundesliga disappointing Momir Ilic against his former club Velenje into the breach. With seven goals he was at the end next to Alexis Alvanos (8) of the outstanding Gummersbacher thrower. In the second half increased the FC and drove home the victory. "The team has implemented the tactical requirements very well. Now we are back in the race can still pack the semi-finals, "enthused Gislason.