Friday, March 26, 2010

Trademarks again at the club

Dusseldorf - Peter Frymuth could not and did not hide his joy. Fortuna Dusseldorf has considered how we, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games still be able to beat, "beamed the President and announced, then the message you've been waiting for so long Düsseldorf football fans:
Fortuna has agreed with the sports world, transformed the old agreement in their favor. Thus, the club is finally back after nine years of masters in their own house!
Reminder: Fortuna had hawked 1999 are as numerous other clubs for a million cash infusion TV and trademark rights to the firm of Michael Kölmel. A fatal adhesion contract, which proved to be an eternal millstone. The sports world had to earn a financial contribution without any temporal limitation the right to revenue from TV money, sponsorship contracts and the sale of merchandise. A permanent non-compensating competitive disadvantage!
"Now the Fortuna logo back to the club itself belongs, we can sell 100 percent of himself," enthused the Supervisory Board Chairman Dr. Reinhold Ernst, who himself led the talks with Kölmel and landed it in new roles throughout his first major coup.
In addition to the liabilities of the club sports world has been reduced so far (7.5 million euros), and also in the field of TV marketing Fortuna pressed the recent charges, also acquired a right to purchase. "We have a solution which gives us flexibility," said Dr. Ernst, who made the new agreement notarized.
What does this mean? The sports world is still with Fortuna in the boat, but has nothing more to say. In addition, the association now has the opportunity to untold chapter of Kölmel company cease as soon have the (financial) possibilities to negotiate - without having to have to. And potential sponsors now know that their money remains at Fortuna and no longer a substantial part in Kölmel moves funds.
"I am glad that we have achieved in such an existential question of unity" was happy, Dr Ernst. In other words: He's Fortune economically most important action of the decade launched.