Sunday, February 28, 2010


harmony natural rubber thick yoga mat

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How in a world full of zombies survive? The anxious Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), has managed with his "47 Rules for Survival Zombieland successful". Similarly, Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), only in a very different way Together, they now want to make short work of the zombies. After they meet with two other non-zombies, the question arises immediately whether it can stand together, or should result in the zombies.
?? movie.label.director??
Ruben Fleischer
?? movie.label.actors??
Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone
?? movie.label.genre??
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
88?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Zombieland (part 2)
Together, Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita and Little Rock to fight against zombies. But soon, the question arises, what is worse: to endure to give each other ... or horror-comedy by Ruben Fleischer. USA '09, Certificate on 16th Start: 10.12.09
Zombieland (part 1)
Zombieland (part 3)
Zombieland (Trailer)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Paris Hilton and Ronaldo snog like mad

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Los Angeles - Well, that has only just fit yet. Paris Hilton (28) was separated by brief 24 hours Lover Doug Reinhardt, since accidentally crossed the paths of the hotel heiress and soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo (24).
And it happened as it (almost had to come) - Ronaldo was easily confused by the speculation about the incredible 94-million transfer from Manchester to Madrid and once drunk a sitting duck for Paris.
The Celebrity Club "MyHouse" necking around the first of two wildly with each other, from 3 clock, we went to the Village of sister Nicky Hilton in Beverly Hills happily humid further.
But where did the sudden change of mind came when Ronaldo? A year ago, the Portuguese international had left Paris, we all ultimately rebuffed or ice cold. Of this time, but could be absolutely no question.
 "Paris and he could not leave the hands of one another," said a friend to the online portal "X17". "They smooch around the whole time. All the waiters were just busy trying to bring alcohol to their table."
A total of 20,000 dollars (15,000 euros) to have invested Ronaldo that night in champagne and drinks. It then explains perhaps why the two lovebirds later forgotten in the villa, draw the curtains. A feast for all the paparazzi who also closer look exactly as Ronaldo did not leave until about 5 clock the house in West Hollywood.
And now, LA is not only very excited to see whether the holiday flirtation between Paris and Cristiano to the next level ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love Wall

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The student draws Franzi 1989 after West Berlin, directly at a border crossing, where it meets Sasha, as the army pushed the soldier on the tower to its service. Sasha has had to commit to three years to get a place. In this German-German romantic comedy, we can Felicitas Woll - famous for the series "Berlin, Berlin" followed - finally back through the highs and lows of being in love.
?? movie.label.director??
Peter Timm
?? movie.label.actors??
Felicitas Woll, Maxim Mehmet, Anna Fischer
?? movie.label.genre??
Romantic Comedy
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
107?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Love Wall
The West Berlin woman Franzi falls in autumn 1989 in the GDR border guard Sasha. For a date with him, she stays a night in the East - and flies up. But then comes the wall ... comedy by Peter Timm. D '09, FSK: ab 6 Start: 19.11.09

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anyone who has seen this student (15)?

Troisdorf - What happened? Since the 13.10.2008 a 15-year-old girl from Troisdorf is missing Spich-!
 The 15-year-old student is about 162 cm tall, very slim, has dark brown medium length hair with highlights and brown eyes.
Most recently, she was wearing black jeans, an orange-brown T-shirt with floral print and V-neckline and a black jacket, black boots and had a red bag with a floral motif with him.
The reasons for their disappearance are unclear. Evidence of a crime are not presently exist. The police ask: • Who has seen the girl since 13.10.2008? • Who can make notes on the whereabouts of the fugitives? • Who can give information on contact persons?
   Witnesses are asked to report to the Police by phone: 02241-5413221 too.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kremlin chief leaves Merkel rebuffed

Sochi - After his victory in the war against Georgia, the Kremlin remains on a collision course. The political climate between East and West will be a frosty day by day.
That was on Friday and Chancellor Angela Merkel to feel that hit Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev in a sophisticated state residence in Sochi Botscharwo (hosted the Olympic Winter Games, 2014).
The resort is just 100 kilometers from Abkhazia, alongside South Ossetia, the second breakaway province of Georgia. Humid 30 degrees outside, inside political Ice Age: Medvedev made it unmistakably clear that the boundaries of Georgia, he no longer accept them.
In plain language: South Ossetia and Abkhazia will not return to Georgia. And he left no doubt that Russia will act in the future so if Russian citizens are being attacked.
Merkel called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia and openly criticized that some of the Kremlin's actions in Georgia were disproportionate. However, they believe that, in such a conflict is not just a "guilt".
At the press conference, Medvedev and Merkel gave barely a kind word, then left the room without a handshake. Thus also threatening to cool the German-Russian relations.
For further inflames the crisis, the agreement between Poland and the United States provides to deploy a missile defense system in Poland. It was agreed also military assistance in case of a threat.
The Kremlin sees this as an affront, believes the project is aimed against Russia. Deputy Chief of General Staff Anatoly Nogovitsyn: "Such targets are destroyed in an emergency first."
Georgian President Saakashvili signed the ceasefire agreement signed yesterday. He raised serious allegations against Europe: It had ignored his cries for help and encourages Russia.
The situation in Georgia remains totally unclear. As before, Russian troops are in the country. Human rights organizations condemn attacks against civilians. Also a German family got in the crossfire. Only with luck, the man (47) and his wife Georgia (37) survived badly injured when their car was fired upon. The two children were unharmed.